Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm Back!

Hello to everyone! It seems like forever since I posted, and yes Angel, it has been forever; however, that will be changing! I have worked with Angel, to have her help me keep my blog up to date. Between the two of us posting, I hope my viewers will always keeping wanting to come back for more.
As many of you know, this past year has been a rough, with losing my dear friend and mother-in-law, Pat McMaster. I know that she would want me to continue growing my business and my crops. So with Angel's motivation to help me, my drive to teach and share, you are in for some real treats.
So keep checking daily, and I hope you like what you see!
Hugs to all,

1 comment:

  1. SOOOOOOOOOO Excited! Rhonda, I had a great day on Saturday and am really looking forward to being "your right hand woman"!!! :)
