Friday, April 30, 2010

With Mother’s Day on the horizon, I love to “think pink” in celebration of the most important women in our lives. Today’s color combination features Blush, Hollyhock, Vanilla Cream, and Olive, with plenty of feminine trims and dainty details in the artwork. I’ve chosen some of my favorite photos from one of my favorite families—the Wihongi clan! The added ruffles, scallops, and stitching on the layout really complete the tribute mom, in this case, my dear friend Monica.

Perhaps one of my favorite “dainty details” is the rosette on my Mother’s Day card. Follow these simple steps to make these beautiful flowers:

1. Draw a squiggly circle on paper, spiraling in until there is about a ¾” space in the center. This is the base the flower will be glued to.

2. Cut the paper along the line.

3. Wrap tightly starting from the outside towards the middle.

4. Let Layers loosen.

5. Spread Liquid Glass on the center space hold flower in place until the Liquid Glass is dry.

6. Sponge the edges as desired.

It’s best done unevenly, by hand rather than with scalloped scissors or a cutter. A most beautiful bud for your beautiful mother!

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